The Best Shows on TV

TV’s Moments of Joy: Thunder Muscle!

Parenthood–The show opened with Adam & Kristina trying to find time for themselves on their family calendar, which was spot on. And we’re kind of sure the producers are TV junkies like us. Kristina’s friend is played by former Felicity star Amanda Foreman, who has a son named Noel (a main Felicity character, of course) and the potential girlfriend of Lauren Graham’s son is being played by the same actress who played the daughter of Lorelai’s true love, Luke, on Gilmore Girls. And we sort of adored Sydney being a “silent ninja” and ruining her parents make out session. The best line has to go to Grandpa Zeke bonding with Joel about impressing 5 year olds: “You can light your own fart and they’ll think you’re Einstein”. HA!

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