The Best Shows on TV

TV’s Moments of Joy: Thunder Muscle!

Now, if you’ve ever watched The Apprentice, you know that the losing team almost always turns on the Project Manager, who is inevitably fired. Even worse, Tyana spent the task complaining, thus positioning herself in the Melissa Rivers Memorial role of “Person who gets to say I-told-you-so when their team loses”. Regular viewers know how this plays out, but Mahsa turned it around. She called out Tyana on not having any actual ideas of her own, and just being a negative force. And you know what? It worked! After recapping three seasons of Celebrity Apprentice, we can count on our fingers the number of times he’s fired the troublemaker instead of the Project Manager. When Mahsa starts talking in the Boardroom, it works like an actual business Boardroom, and not like a reality show. It’s a pretty amazing thing to see. Usually when The Apprentice is awesome, it’s because it’s absolutely insane (anything involving Dennis Rodman, for example), this season it’s awesome because it’s starting to seem like a real contest based on merit. Thanks for making TV better, Mahsa!

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