The Best Shows on TV

TV’s Moments of Joy: Thunder Muscle!

The Office — This series is at its best when it’s excruciating, and there are bonus points for humiliating Ed Helms’ Andy Bernard. This week, Andy had a role in a production of “Sweeney Todd”, which he was sure would impress Erin. As you might expect, that didn’t go as planned. The worst (and by that we mean ‘best’) part came when Andy’s cell phone started ringing during a scene. He did his best to play it off, but then managed to lose track of the plot and spoke directly to the audience to try and get them back on board. We got sympathy sweats on Andy’s behalf through this whole scene. Also, we discovered that Creed is apparently an entertainment reporter, as he phoned in (!) his negative review. Knowing Creed, there’s a good chance he was actually just leaving that review on his own voice mail, but if he wants to call in any theater reviews to spunkybean, we’ll be happy to publish them! Dancing with the Stars – “Story Night” was a mixed bag this week, with some dances that were awesome and some that were… odd. But there was a lovely bit on the results show. Recently ousted dancer Michael Bolton showed up to perform Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah”, backed by a multi-ethnic choir of small children. Now, despite the fact that it’s been seriously overused in the last couple of years, we love “Hallellujah”. But, you know, we’ve also paid attention to the lyrics, and we know that this song is not appropriate to sing with a group of children. But the song was accompanied by a dance from spunkybuddy Anna Trebunskaya and her husband Jonathan Roberts, and it was really beautiful. We’re total softies for this kind of thing, and it made us wish Jonathan were doing the show this season. Of couse, after three first-round eliminations in a row, the poor guy might be a little gun-shy. Seriously, they threw Macy Gray at him. Sometimes we think the producers are just messing with the poor guy.

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