The Best Shows on TV

TV’s Moments of Joy – Treble Dukes!

Lights Out is excellently written and acted, and it employs a trick we can’t remember seeing before – because of Leahy’s dementia, we sometimes find out that certain events didn’t play out the way we saw.  Lights is sometimes genuinely confused when he remembers things differently than the way they happened, and the show pulls the viewer along.  It’s a step beyond an unreliable narrator – we can’t even trust ourselves.

This most recent episode featured an amazing scene where Lights finally comes clean to his wife – not about everything (like the dementia and his connection to a murder investigation), but about their financial state.  Her reaction is awesome as her whole world comes apart – she believed right up to that moment that they still had his millions and that their kids were set for life.  Absolutely heartbreaking.

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