Venture Bros.

The Venture Bros. “Dia de Los Dangerous”

There’s not as much to analyze in these early episodes – Jackson and Doc were still nailing down the characters, and obviously there aren’t as many continuity callbacks when they don’t have previous episodes to which they can call back.  And the early episodes seem comparatively rough now, but it’s amazing how much they had in place early on.  The boys seem a little bratty in the early episodes, and Doc doesn’t have much characterization beyond being a pill-popper, but they’re still recognizable.  Their world was well-defined early on, and both Brock and the Monarch are fully-formed.  Both of these characters have evolved since then, but it’s been part of the story progression.  You can tell they knew exactly who Brock was from Day One.  (Heck, he’s even got his signature eye-twitch already.)

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