Venture Bros.

The Venture Bros. “Dia de Los Dangerous”

“Oh, right.  The crazy dead people Christmas you people celebrate.” – Dr. Venture

Doc’s teaching a class at the Tijuana Community College, a class in which he’s seemingly debunking the existence of chubacabra and Catholicism.  Most of his students are actually people who wandered into the wrong class, and the room soon clears out.  The dean apologizes, saying it’s hard to hold their attention on the Day of the Dead.  Brock heads off with a prostitute, and then the boys show up, wearing sombreros.  A butterfly lands on Doc’s shoulder, and the dean explains that the monarch butterflies flock to Mexico this time of year.  Of course, that particular butterfly is actually a spy for… the Mighty Monarch!  He assumes that Doc tracked him to Mexico, and demands that the henchman who betrayed him come forward.  He then kills a henchman for coughing.  Finally, he assigns a rookie, Speedy, to take a phalanx of “no less than three but no more than five henchmen” to observe Doc.

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