Venture Bros.

The Venture Bros. “Ghosts of the Sargasso”

“One flyboy goes boom, and he scraps the whole project out of respect for the dead.  It’s just sitting there under 800 meters of black liquid funeral.” – Dr. Venture

Brock warns Doc against his current course of action.  Doc’s piloting what looks like a big robot, and the plan is to take it down to find the lost aircraft so Doc can haul it up and sell the technology.  Brock gives in and they lower him to the water.  Hank loses control of the crane, and Doc slips loose.  Brock tries to grab the rope, but it just tears up his hands.  Doc narrates his expedition into a portable tape recorder, explaining that he’s using a MetaSonic Locator which not only vibrates the water, but also time.  Brock, his hands completely bandaged, spots a pirate ship.  Brock heads over to check it out.

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