Venture Bros.

The Venture Bros. “Ghosts of the Sargasso”

Hank Venture:  “If pirates really exist, I mean, Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy can even be real, right?  It’s like all bets are off!”

Brock Samson:  “Hank, nobody ever said that pirates don’t exist.”

Hank Venture:  “So you agree with me that this is impossible.”

Hank awakens and then wakes up Dean – he can tell something’s up, and also he has to pee.  Dean recommends being off the heliport, because “it makes an awesome arc”.  As Hank is peeing, pirates scale the side of the ship and cut the power.  Brock tries to pull his knife, but he can’t hold it with bandaged hands.  He bashes two pirates’ heads together just as Hank calls him on the wrist communicator.  Brock tells Hank to lay low and not freak out.

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