Venture Bros.

The Venture Bros. “Ghosts of the Sargasso”

“G-g-g-ghost pirate!” – Dean Venture

Dean wakes up to see a glowing, ghostly pirate.  But then Brock knocks it out with a fire extinguisher.  He pounds on him for a while, then a Pirate Captain shows up with his gun to Dean’s head.  Dean unmasks the ghost pirate (who’s been beaten to death by Brock) and proves it was a fake.  The Captain is unimpressed by his detective work and insists that Ghost Pirate rules are that they have to run away.  He keeps Dean as a hostage and orders his men to send Brock to the brig.

–So, that’s basically every episode of Scooby-Doo, only we’re seven minutes in and the ghost has been unmasked.  This is the first appearance of the Pirate Captain, who’s one of the few characters outside of the main cast to appear in every season to date.  And yet, he still doesn’t have a name.  And note that he assumes Brock is Dean’s dad – they did a good job of introducing that plot element without calling attention to it.

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