Venture Bros.

The Venture Bros. — “Home Insecurity”

“And, that’s when I met my little Sassburger here.  Well, Cupid must have been using bionic arrows that day because I took one look in those big blue eyes and knew I couldn’t go through with my mission.” – Steve Summers

In the Panic Room, the boys hit on the idea of calling HELPeR, who’s already left the Compound.  Doc realizes that he hurt HELPeR’s feelings and calls him for come to back.  HELPeR turns back to save the day, and grapples over the assortment of henchmen.  At this point, the henchmen decide that even if they can’t get into the building, they can still make a mess.  In the forest, Steve explains his love affair with the Sasquatch, and explains that they’re on the run.  Brock forms a plan to get them past the roadblock, and it starts with tearing off Steve’s arm.  HELPeR sneaks past the henchmen who are vandalizing the place.  He reboots the system from an external fuse box, which opens the Compound and turns Guardo away.  The henchmen rush the Compound, but Guardo attacks them

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