Venture Bros.

The Venture Bros. — “Home Insecurity”

At the Compound, Brock packs up for his vacation, over Doc’s protests.  Hank tries to stow away in the car, but Hank is predictably bad at hiding.  Brock tells Hank he’s the man of the house, which really grates on Doc.  Brock drives away but runs into an Army roadblock.  Brock presents his OSI credentials, and the MP reluctantly lets him drive into the forest.

–I love the way things unravel instantly when Brock leaves.  Doc decides Hank is challenging his authority and invites him to fight while Dean gets hysterical.  I also like Dean’s hover boots that he’s wearing – nobody really acknowledges them, and they don’t seem particularly useful.  You know, boots that lift you a couple inches off the ground and let you move really slowly.  And hey, Doc’s in his speed suit!  Finally!

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