Venture Bros.

The Venture Bros. — “Home Insecurity”

–The Monarch is really funny here, especially “It’s like having my Dad do the shopping!”, or his expression of glee when the phone rings, “Somebody loves the Monarch”.  I also really like Hank asking if GUARDO stands for anything, and Doc answering with an irritated “Yes”, and no further elaboration.

“Venture and I have been engaged in a deadly game of cat and also cat for years.” – The Monarch

Brock pursues his prey through the forest.  He catches up and wrestles a Bigfoot to the ground, while a man in a track suit watches through a bionic eye.  He joins the fray and decks Brock, demanding that the government lave them in peace.  He recognizes Brock, who finally kicks him in the nuts and drops him to the ground.  Brock then realizes that he knows the guy – Steve Summers, a former astronaut.  It seems the government turned him into a cyborg to save his life, but now they want him to pay back the six million dollars.  In the Cocoon, Dr. Girlfriend shows Underbheit’s manservant around, while Monarch and Underbheit talk it out.  Underbheit wants revenge because Doc cost him his jaw in a University lab accident.  The Monarch tries to show off his thirty-seven point plan, but has to reboot the computer.

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