Venture Bros.

The Venture Bros. – “Past Tense”

“Despite his racial handicap, Kano here is a crackerjack pilot.  Why, he could land her on a puffin.  Or a Smurf.” – Colonel Gentleman

In a flashback, Sorayama takes a bong hit in the dorm and gets all giggly before Underbheit reveals it was actually oregano.  Turns out, Sorayama was allergic to oregano, and this forced him to cancel his study date with Leslie.  In the present, Underbheit launches his metal jaw off his face to destroy one of the Leslie-bots, but another one electrocutes him.  Team Venture follows the tracking signal, but they end up in a dorm at State University – there’s a tooth under the bed, covered in dust, and that’s the molar containing the tracking device.  Back to square one, Hank recounts the facts, and the guy living in the dorm room recognizes Sorayama’s name.  He knows him as Professor Sorayama, and if he’s dead, there’s no reason to finish that term paper.

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