Venture Bros.

The Venture Bros. – “Past Tense”

–Yep, everybody went to State University!  Just wait until Season Three, when we find out how Billy Quizboy, Dr. Girlfriend, and Phantom Limb fit in.  Beyond that, young Werner has the same manservant that he did in “Home Insecurity”.  Also, Mike is actually Japanese, despite what Doc says.  Mike pointed it out, so I feel obligated to support him.

“Nope.  Sorry.  Wasn’t me.  I’ve got something planned for next week, I think.” – The Monarch

The priest ends the service by saying that Sorayama’s last wish was that his coffin be carried by “those who were closest to him in life” – Doc, Brock, Pete, and Underbheit.  Doc and Pete do a much worse job of holding up their end.  Once they lift it, compartments in the side open up, handcuffing each of them.  Gas nozzles knock them out, and then the coffin flies way, dragging the pallbearers with it.  Back at home, Hank calls the Monarch to see if he’s behind it.  Dean rummages through the closet and produces an old picture of Team Venture.

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