Venture Bros.

The Venture Bros. – “Tag Sale – You’re It!”

–I love the big fight scene – it’s just so ridiculous.  Especially the way Phantom Limb just keeps tripping people.  And then you have Orpheus blasting villains and announcing his name, in case they’re interested in hating him on a full-time basis.  By the way, the purple-suited hipster interested in the girlie magazines is a character from Dan Clowes’ Eightball, but I can’t remember his name and Google isn’t helping.

“What can I do to this guy that life hasn’t already?”  — The Monarch

Inside the Compound, Hank berates Dean for blowing it with Triana by not coming to her rescue.  Outside, 21 decides to take on Brock with his lightsaber.  Brock just stands and watches while 21 takes a swing, and finds that the lightsaber looks real, but is completely harmless.  Brock runs to investigate the break-in in Doc’s lab.  We see Monarch and Dr. Girlfriend in the lab, as the Monarch decides it’s not even worth the effort to trash the “monument to failure”.   But just as he’s being a grown-up a squad of OSI agents bursts in, and Monarch guns them down before breaking out an insane villain monologue and escaping on a grapple line.  After the tag, OSI cleans up all the blood and bodies, and we see that the Monarch and Dr. Girlfriend are still hanging from the ceiling, waiting for everybody to leave.

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