Venture Bros.

The Venture Bros. – “Tag Sale – You’re It!”

In the Monarch Mobile, we see Monarch, Dr. Girlfriend, and Henchmen 21 and 24 – they’re headed to the yard sale.  Hank and Dean look through the yard sale items and find some of their old toys, including Mr. Microphone.  Brock frets over the possible trouble the yard sale could bring, but Doc is convinced that nothing could go wrong.

–It’s the first appearance of 21!  He and 24 aren’t identified by their numbers yet, but it’s clearly them.  (Though 24 has a bit of a Boston accent this time around.)  We’ve got more first appearances coming up – this episode pretty much finishes up the main cast.  This is a great episode for Doc – he’s got a “Death Ray Bargain Bin” and doesn’t see why that could be a problem.  He’s just trying to make some cash by selling old toys and his father’s inventions.  And note that Doc’s dressed for summer.  Six episodes in, and he’s worn his most identifiable outfit in all of two scenes and about four minutes of screen time.

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