Venture Bros.

The Venture Bros. – “Tag Sale – You’re It!”

–In one scene we get the first appearance of Baron Underbheit (who was mentioned, but not shown, in the pilot), Billy and Pete, and the first mention of the Guild of Calamitous Intent.  That’s pretty huge!  A bunch of the background villains you’ll see in this episode make multiple appearances over the course of the show, but very few of them ever get names.  I particularly like the guy with an electrical plug for a face.

“Union says you get a ten minute break, and I can’t risk another strike.” – Hank Venture

Dr. Orpheus complains to Doc that the weed-whacker Doc is selling actually belongs to him.  He then offers to help out with the sale, because he’s a “whiz bang salesman”.  Monarch, safely inside the yard, retrieves his wrist blaster from the agent’s pocket, and then complains about the “cash bar”, which is actually Hank and Dean selling lemonade and sandwiches.  Dean spots Triana and runs off to talk to her.

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