Venture Bros.

Venture Bros. – “Are You There, God? It’s Me, Dean.”

“Dean!  Have you been shooting dope into your scrotum?  You can tell me!  I’m hip!” – Dr. Venture

Monarch flies Hank and Brock back to the cocoon, messing with Hank’s mind the whole way.  In the X-1, Doc tries to diagnose Dean’s testicular pain with increasingly bizarre results.  Dean’s uncomfortable letting Doc check him out, so Doc calls the only other doctor he knows – Billy Quizboy.  Billy agrees, for a steep fee.

–This is really just a series of great lines.  We have Hank learning that the exemption Doc cited is called “Rusty’s Law”, obviously named after a certain former boy adventurer.  Monarch is the first guy to point out that Jonas Venture was a dick – right now, we’ve only really seen the idealized version of him, but Monarch is going to turn out to be right.  I like Monarch trying to convince Hank that he’s his real father, and 21 and 24 trying to intimidate Brock.  These guys are officially the go-to henchmen now, and they’ll be taking a big role very soon.  This is the first reference to “Conjectural Technologies” – Billy and Pete White’s company.  Up to this point, they’ve just shown up here and there, but here we find out that they live together in a rather small trailer.  By the way, White is playing Grand Theft Auto, and I love that the thing he’s most excited about is finding out that he can see his stats.  This is also the first appearance of the Monarch’s airship, and if I had to guess, I don’t think we ever see it again.

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