Venture Bros.

Venture Bros. – “Are You There, God? It’s Me, Dean.”

“In a nutshell, no pun intended, your balls pulled a 180.  In a way, you’re kind of lucky – it only happens to one in 4,000.” – Billy Quizboy

The next morning, the Monarch taunts Hank and Brock some more.  He tries very hard to impress them, but there’s not really much going on.  Brock starts to feel sorry for him, but he insists it’s just an off day.  Billy explains that Dean has a testicular torsion, which is essentially a thing where his testicles get tangles up inside his scrotum. 

–Again – really funny.  Hank complaining that he has to wear the same clothes two days in a row, and Monarch pointing out that he only ever wears the one outfit.  And watching Brock interact with the Monarch is really great – when they’re not trying to kill one another, they can sort of honestly assess each other.  Brock’s got a weird compassion for the guy.  Doc makes some cryptic remarks about Dean’s testicles and how he “could have fixed it at the prototype stage”, but you probably already know where this is going.  At the time though, that was big.  Also, I just want to mention that a friend of mine once gave himself a testicular torsion when he was just a kid.  Basically, he had the idea that he could get his balls to switch sides, and I can not even begin to imagine the pain. 

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