Venture Bros.

Venture Brothers – Operation P.R.O.M. – Part 2 – Venture bro

“Don’t believe the hype.  A ‘Rusty Venture’ is the name for when you jerk off so much that your dick gets red and sore.  But I’ll let you give me an Action Johnny.” – Brock Samson

Brock gets romantic and takes one of the escorts into SPHINX headquarters.  The rookie is tending to one of the Monstroso bodies, and Brock tells him to scram.  He shoots Brock with a tranquilizer dart and pulls of his mask to reveal Molotov Cocktease.  She sends the escort back to the prom.

–This is just a short scene, but it’s such an awesome reveal that it deserves its own section.  The faceless rookie was a running joke for a while, and I thought he’d be revealed to be somebody we’ve seen before, but I didn’t see Molotov coming.  Not in a million years.  (I love how this scene leads directly into one of the live action bumps where Doc and Jackson freak the hell out over the reveal.  Like they were surprised.)  They got me, I have to admit.  I am not kidding when I say that I yelled a bad word when she took off her mask – that’s how surprised I was.  And some people complained about this scene, in light of the later revelation about the escorts, but it doesn’t seem off to me.  I’ll explain when we get to that part though.

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  1. It’s Last Tango in Paris, not On the Waterfront.

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