Venture Bros.

Venture Brothers – Operation P.R.O.M. – Part 2 – Venture bro

–Watching this scene for the first time, I just basically gaped at how awesome it is.  This is such a great action sequence, with some of the best animation they’ve ever had.  Just one thing to note – there’s that crazy spot on the mountain road where it suddenly forks, and then joins back up again.  There is no good reason for this to happen that I can tell, which is why you have to be impressed that they established this unique stretch of road a while back.  I think we might have actually seen this mountain road in “The Revenge Society”, but we definitely saw it in “Diving Bell vs. the Butter-Glider”, when the cycle split in two and then joined up again at the end of the fork.  That is attention to detail there, folks.

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  1. It’s Last Tango in Paris, not On the Waterfront.

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