Venture Bros.

Venture Brothers – Operation P.R.O.M. – Part 2 – Venture bro

“Give it up, Mol.  You got nowhere to go but down.  And you know why?  Because you are a bad person.  You don’t know the first thing about duty or honor or friendship.  You’re just a coldhearted mercenary bitch.  I’m tired of spending my life chasing you.” – Brock Samson

It’s time to elect the Prom King and King, and of course, it’s Hank and Dean.  But they’re not there, so the crowns go to the runners-up – Sgt. Hatred and Princess Tinyfeet.  Back on the cliff, Brock faces off against Molotov.  Brock sits down on the hood to talk.  He’s already disarmed her without her noticing, and lectures her about how it’s all over for her.  She insists that it wasn’t for money – she’s changed.  As proof, she tosses over her chastity belt.  Brock takes her hand and they almost kiss, but she denies him – she removed her belt for Monstroso.  He says he won’t let her escape this time, but she reveals her trump card.  The escorts are actually members of the Blackhearts, and if they don’t get the abort code by midnight, they’ll kill everybody at the prom.  Brock demands that she call in the code.  Instead, she pops the hood, flinging Brock off.  Without his weight on the front, the limo pitches over the cliff.

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  1. It’s Last Tango in Paris, not On the Waterfront.

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