Venture Bros.

Venture Brothers – Operation P.R.O.M. – Part 2 – Venture bro

–I can’t even tell you how much this scene had me freaking out.  Brock’s determination to save his friends was such a good illustration of what he was saying earlier – he’s not one of the bad people.  He cares about his friends, and he’s going to do whatever it takes to save them.  And purposeful Brock is one of the greatest sights in animation.  Doc’s sleaziness kind of saves the day, which is a pretty funny bit to end the season on.  And the shot of Brock approaching the flies is going to be my new wallpaper – there’s no doubt that those fly monsters are not getting out of there in one piece.  Finally, let’s give it up for General Treister.  It’s entirely possible that launching himself into the vacuum of space, clad only in a flag toga and a post-it is the most awesome thing anybody has ever done on this show.  It’s so far beyond badass that I can’t quite come up with a way to describe it.  In a way, that shot encapsulates what this season has been about – firm conviction mixed with sheer insanity.  In the Venture-verse, the heroes are willing to die for their ideals, even if they’re the ideals of crazy people. God bless you, General Treister.

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  1. It’s Last Tango in Paris, not On the Waterfront.

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