Venture Bros.

Venture Brothers – Operation P.R.O.M. – Part 2 – Venture bro

–By the way, when Al first calls the Guild, they start in by reminding him that they’re not responsible for providing a new archenemy if theirs is killed by a third party.  Apparently, Al’s been calling a lot about this topic, ever since his arch, Torrid, was killed in “The Better Man’.

–Hank and Dermott first started their band in Season Three’s “Tears of a Sea Cow”.  And HELPeR was a member then, too.  It’s good to see that he showed up for the prom, since he’s been largely written out ever since he got the Walking Eye body.  Their performance scene seems to be based on the way Hanna-Barbera used to show musical performances (Jabberjaw comes immediately to mind.)  Split screens of repetitive, musical type motion.  I’ve seen that used in enough old cartoons that his was automatically hilarious to me.  Dean’s little meltdown makes me sad – he’s a sweet kid, but sometimes he just absolutely comes unhinged from the stress.  Still, it was not a good way for him to find out that Triana had a boyfriend.

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  1. It’s Last Tango in Paris, not On the Waterfront.

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