Venture Bros.

Venture Brothers – Operation P.R.O.M. – Part 2 – Venture bro

–OK, the scene with Doc is really skeevy.  I would think he’s come to far to try and drug a woman, but as he points out, he’s been getting “shot down by whores”.  He’s come a long way this year, but he’s not quite done yet.  At least Billy is really funny in this scene, which saves it for me.

–So, Treister’s not a Hulk at all, and Doe and Cardholder are Guild agents.  That was a surprise, but this knowledge actually works really well with all of their past appearances.  Heck, they first appeared to help JJ deal with the Monarch, and at this point, Monarch was on the outs with the Guild after he killed too many archenemies.  It’s been implied for a while that the Guild had agents in OSI – in fact, Brock was convinced of it way back in the Season Premiere.  And so, we’ve got our payoff.  I have to point out that Hunter called Mile High “Sky Pilot” on his distress call – that was his old codename when he was undercover in “The Family that Slays Together Stays Together”.  He’s always been called “Mile High” since then.  But, you know.  Code.  And the quote about the butter is a reference to On the Waterfront and… that scene.  You know the one.

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One Comment

  1. It’s Last Tango in Paris, not On the Waterfront.

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