Venture Bros.

Venture Brothers — “Perchance to Dean” Venture Bro

–Seriously, what did Sgt. Hatred think that a bunch of Doc replicas standing within sight of one another were going to accomplish? The guy is not a genius tactician.

Dean hides in the closet and has a full-blown panic attack. When D19 finds him, Dean flies away on rocket boots. They scuffle and end up in the panic room, where Dean’s chemistry set has caught fire. He assumes D19 is afraid of fire, but he is wrong. Doc also gets dumped to the panic room, but the fire’s already traveling up the chute. He tries his best to shinny back up. The SWAT team rushes the compound, and try to arrest both Doc and Sgt. Hatred. Hank and Dermott drive away in Doc’s old people mover, but they clip one of the explosive Docs, which launches them into the air. D19 follows Dean to the roof and attacks him. The rocket boots ignite and launch them both into the air.

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