Venture Bros.

Venture Brothers – Season 4 Post-Mortem – venture bro

I think that’s why we didn’t see the Revenge Society in the finale.  The end of Season Two was “Phantom Limb vs. Everybody”, and it was amazing.  They set the pieces in place to pit him against the Ventures and the Monarch and everybody else under the sun, and then it didn’t happen.  Why not?  Because that would have been a throwback.  It would have been Jackson and Doc doing something they’d already done before.  Instead, the season ended with Dean realizing that he was allowed to be hurt by somebody else’s happiness.  With Brock giving up on the woman he’d lusted after for a decade, with Gary completely turning his life around.  Sure, there was still plenty of ass-kicking to go around.  This is The Venture Bros. after all, but the most important moments were all emotional.  Even Brock’s big action scene had so much resonance because it was internally motivated.

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