Venture Bros.

Venture Brothers – Season Four Preview, Venture Bro

So here they are, The Good, The Bad, and The Dead.

The Good

Hank and Dean Venture – The titular heroes, the Venture boys are sort of like the Hardy Boys, except with super-villains, wholesale slaughter, and a pill-popping father. The important thing to note is that Hank and Dean aren’t the original Hank and Dean. Their father made a bunch of clones, since the boys are a little, well, death-prone. The Hank and Dean on the show now are the 14th set of clones, and they’re unaware of all their previous deaths. In the finale, all the remaining unfinished clones were sent into battle as a last-ditch attempt to save the day. Being almost-fetal clones, they were quickly wiped out – this means that Hank and Dean can’t be reproduced again. If anything happens, dead is dead.

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