Venture Bros.

Venture Brothers — “The Better Man” Venture Bro

–Man, there were so many great lines in this bit, I had a hard time picking a header quote. Jefferson nearly made it with “He was wearing punctuation on his suit. That’s a total bad guy suit!” and “I saw my dead mom, and she was all ‘Jefferson, head into the light’, and I was like ‘I can’t, Mom. I have to stay here and get my ass kicked by a guy made out of fire’.” Hee. I’ll even forgive the animation glitch where Dean puts on his suit to go outside, but then he’s back in his speedsuit for the exterior scenes. It’s been alluded to before, but Jefferson’s inferiority complex is coming to the fore here. And yes, Matthew Lesko is a real person – he dresses like the Riddler and makes infomercials where he tells people how to get money from the government. Why he’s part of Jefferson’s training course, I’ll never know.

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