Venture Bros.

Venture Brothers — “The Better Man” Venture Bro

“It was Simba. She’s OK, it’s my cat. She’s from this world.” – Dr. Orpheus

Orpheus tries to open a portal to Hell, to no avail. He slinks away in defeat, then travels to the other realm to see the Master. The Master has taken on the form of Orpheus’ ex-wife, Tatiana, and he taunts Orpheus the whole time. While Orpheus obsesses over how the Outrider can open portals to “the Second World”, the Master enthuses over how awesome his new body is. (“You could bounce a penis off these breasts!”) At the Compound, Hank sulks about the lack of action. Dean tries to cheer him up, and then Hank breaks it to Dean that Triana only thinks of him as a friend. Meanwhile, Orpheus frets over how his former student has surpassed him. The Master tells him to stop whining, while once again sexually taunting him.

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