Venture Bros.

Venture Brothers — “The Better Man” Venture Bro

Hank brings up an interesting point in this scene. The Ventures don’t do anything anymore. In past seasons, we didn’t even necessarily see their big adventures, and the episodes would be about what happened on their way home from the war with the ant-people. But this season, they’ve spent most of their time in the Compound. The boys have been kidnapped, and they’ve been attacked in their home, but we haven’t seen the family go out on an expedition. Now they hang around and wait for things to happen. And I think that’s because Doc is afraid to risk the boys lives’, now that he doesn’t have back-up clones, and he doesn’t have Brock to protect them. Doc’s actually being responsible for a change. But since Hank doesn’t know that he’s died a dozen times already, none of this makes since to him. For him, life just suddenly got really boring.

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