Venture Bros.

Venture Brothers — “The Better Man” Venture Bro

Plenty of characters who may be unfamiliar to the new viewer this time around. Dr. Orpheus was covered back in the season’s first Dossier, and you may remember him trying to kill Hitler in the premiere. But who are his friends and enemies, you ask?

The Alchemist – He, along with Orpheus and Jefferson Twilight, is a member of the Order of the Triad. They’re an officially sanctioned team with a Guild-assigned archenemy. The Alchemist (Al to his friends) is a magic user who claims to be focused on keeping the universe in balance. But in practice, he’s usually the first guy to bring booze to the meetings. He is gay, and the extent of his magic powers is unspecified, but he’s not as powerful as Orpheus. Also, he’s voiced by Dana (Master Shake) Snyder, which makes everything about him funnier.

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