Venture Bros.

Venture Brothers — “The Better Man” Venture Bro

Jefferson Twilight – Blacula hunter extraordinaire. He’s a parody of Blade, Vampire Hunter (the comic book version moreso than the movie), only he limits his vampire killing to Blaculas. (His interest in Caucasian vampires is minimal.) His left eye, or “Blood Eye”, is a Blacula tracker. He’s awesome.

Triana Orpheus – Orpheus’ teenage daughter, she lives with him in the room he rents from Doc Venture. She’s a little older than the boys, and Dean has a huge crush on her. She doesn’t share his feelings, but she seems to have some legitimate affection for him. Her relationship with her father is really cool – Orpheus dotes on his “pumpkin”, and he’ll go from exorcising demons to whipping up a batch of gingerbread cookies for her.

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