Venture Bros.

Venture Brothers — “The Better Man” Venture Bro

And now, “The Better Man”

“Something just came out of the vortex and killed Torrid. So… that happened.” – The Alchemist

The Order of the Triad has followed Torrid to his lair, where he’s attempting to open a portal to Hell. The Triad prepares for a final battle, and then Torrid summons a massive demon, which promptly tosses him to Hell. The Triad attacks, and the demon seizes Jefferson. Their powers are no use, and just as the demon kills Jefferson, a pilgrim on a flaming horse emerges from the portal, defeats the demon, and resurrects Jefferson. (“He was just dead. He’ll be OK.”) He then disappears into the portal, and Orpheus tells his friends that they were saved by the Outrider, the man who stole his wife.

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