The Most Awesome Thing

The Most Awesome Thing I Saw Last Week: And The Winner Is….

Hugh is a true triple threat, maybe even a quadruple threat.  He can sing, dance and act, plus he can be an action hero, too!  As much as I love Billy Crystal (and I do), he has a serviceable voice at best and his acting range goes from nebbishy Jewish guy to nebbishy gay guy (back on Soap).  Hugh is truly the whole package, complete with some comic timing, which he desperately needed to make a cheery opening out of this year’s impossibly serious crop of nominees.   Using the gimmick of stripped down props (which he said he created in his garage) in light of the recession, Hugh gamely made his way through the nominees (and a sly reference to The Dark Knight’s snub) while also showcasing his “Craig’s List Dancers” and letting nominee Anne Hathaway show her singing chops along the way.  My hope is he’ll be back next year.  He totally deserved his standing O.

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