The Most Awesome Thing

The Most Awesome Thing I Saw Last Week: Bruce!

I never seem to mention Burn Notice when I write about TV, and I think it’s time to rectify that situation. I actually started watching the show because Bruce Campbell had a regular role, and as a nerd, I’m required to follow any and all of his projects. Luckily, the show turned out to be fun and stylish, and thoroughly enjoyable. And since then, it’s gotten better and better, meaning that it’s both awesome and good.
Michael Weston (Jeffrey Donovan) is a former secret agent who was suddenly blacklisted. Now he lives in Miami, taking on odd jobs and trying to find out who burned him. In addition to being a fantastic spy, Michael’s a nice guy who can’t pass up the chance to help people. This season, Detective Paxson has taken an interest in his activities, which is really putting a crimp in his style.
Bruce Campbell: Almost as awesome as John LockeThis week’s episode was a fantastic installment, balancing action, humor, and some nice character work in introducing a penitent thug with a soft spot for dogs. Paxson assigns a police escort to Michael, so he has to lose his tail every time he does any of his undercover work. Sam (Bruce Campbell!) has to deal with an IRS auditor, who turns out to be the son of one of his ex-girlfriends. And Michael’s on-again, off-again girlfriend is frustrated that he can’t let go of his past and just build a new life. Basically, everything clicked.
There’s so much fun here. In almost every episode, Michael goes undercover and the array of voices and mannerisms that Jeffrey Donovan has at his command will blow your mind. Personally, I’m a big fan of any episode where he plays a dumb guy, personally. Cracks me up every time. Then there’s all of Michael’s helpful asides about spy work. Did you know that you can make brass knuckles out of a butter knife? Or that a, well, “personal massage” can thwart a parabolic mike? Or that you can make your own cement using superglue and compressed air? After this episode, I’m fairly certain that I could rob a Dry Cleaner if necessary. (Turns out, those moving racks can rip the padlock right off a door!)
Bruce Campbell is hilarious as Sam Axe, and it’s fun to see him playing a character who’s getting older and just might have his best days behind him. And he still gets to kick ass, and even gets some really nice dramatic scenes, as when he was tortured at the end of the first season. This week he really shined, as he fumbled his way through an audit. Apparently, Sam takes a lot of liberties on his taxes.
All in all, I’m comfortable pronouncing Burn Notice as the Most Awesome Thing I Saw Last Week.
Second place: David Cross’ appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live, where he detailed his recent experience with crack. That’s right.

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