The Most Awesome Thing

The Most Awesome Thing I Saw Last Week (Jan 20-26)

You know what?  My Most Awesome Thing will not surprise anybody, considering I wrote 3,000 words about it already last week.  That’s right, it’s the season premiere of Lost!  After more than seven long months without the Lostaways and The Oceanic Six and the Fantastic Foursome, they all came back in full force, and they came to play!  (That’s a thing they say in sports, right?)  Rather than rehash what I said last week, I’m going to present a list of the top ten awesome moments from the season premiere.  And believe me, I had to do some serious trimming to limit it to ten.
10. Hurley buying a change of clothes in the gas station.  Apparently, he hearts his Shih-Tzu.
9.  Sun’s passive-aggressive recounting of the freighter explosion, designed for maximum guilt.  “If you hadn’t done what you did, we all would have died.  Not just my husband.”
8.  The mystery man getting ready in the morning to start the episode?  Dr. Marvin Candle!  I am moderately obsessed with Dr. Candle and his multiple aliases and occasionally prosthetic arm.
7.  During a timeskip, Locke watched the Nigerian drug plane crash.  When he tries to climb up to it, he gets shot in the leg and falls.  The first time he tried to get to the plane, he had shrapnel in his leg and couldn’t walk.  I love the circularity of Island Time.
6.  Jack and Benry sharing a hotel room.  That’s comedy gold right there.
5.  Locke meeting Richard “Batmanuel” Alpert in the past.  It was a great scene with just the right amount of confusing twists.  “I didn’t tell you I got shot.”  “You will.”  Or, “What does it do?”  “It’s a compass, John.  It points North.”
4.  Hurley summarizing the entire series to date for his mother.  I’d like to see them use his monologue for one of the “Previously… on Lost” openers.
3.  Daniel Faraday unwillingly taking the lead.  I really like his character and I can’t wait to figure out what’s going on with that guy.  Even better, he and Sawyer make such great foils for one another.  This is going to be good…
2.  Sayid’s big fight scene.  He pitches a gunman off the balcony of the hotel.  Then, he gets shot with a tranquilizer dart and still manages to rally and kill a guy using a dishwasher!  If you don’t think that’s awesome, you make me sad.
1.  When the mysterious military guys are just about to maim Juliet and Sawyer, who takes them out with some perfectly placed throwing knives?  John Locke!  And that’s with a bullet wound in his leg.  You wouldn’t think you’d cheer to see a guy stabbed at 30 meters, but there’s no shame in it.  That was pretty fantastic.
For second place, I have to let my geekiness show.  (I know, it’s hard to imagine….)  Cartoon Network’s Batman:  The Brave and the Bold features Batman teaming up with a different hero every week.  It’s aimed at younger viewers, with a much happier Batman than Christoper Nolan’s version.  Frankly, I’d probably like it a lot more if I had kids.  But Friday’s episode featured a team-up with one of my absolute favorites — the Blue Beetle.  And I’m talking about the 80’s version of Blue Beetle – Ted Kord.  I can’t even explain how much I love Ted.  He’s a science nerd who fights crime, for pete’s sake.  He was kicked out of the Justice League when he couldn’t pass the physical.  Plus, he was legitimately funny.  For young EJ, he was sort of the perfect superhero.
Anyway, they killed Ted a few years back, which traumatized me more than I’m willing to admit.  But he showed up for a flashback sequence on Brave and the Bold last week for his first-ever animated appearance.  Somewhere, young EJ was very happy.

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