The Most Awesome Thing

The Most Awesome Thing I Saw Last Week (Jan 20-26)


Some might take the easy way out on this thing and just say, last week, with the historic election of a Black man to the highest office of the land, that all other television and “things seen” pailed in comparison to history.  But those people are called “history buffs” and “learned” and are known to have “reasonable thoughts” and “perspective.”  Not Don-from-spunkybean.  Nope, in my world, it’s not “history” that is awesome to behold, but more importantly is how comediens like Stephen Colbert react to history.  Here …Stephen Colbert has a breakdown at the news of the day.

The Colbert ReportMon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Stephen’s Inauguration Breakdown

There was also a really funny moment from 30 Rock last week that I couldn’t find a clip of, but it involved a super quick flash back scene of Tina Fey’s Liz Lemon character doing improv with Jane Krakowski and the “improv scene” was set-up as Slingblade and Oprah on a date.  So Tina says, “Mhh, hmm.  I sure do like these French Fried potatoes,” and Jane Krakowski replies, “No you don’t, Oprah.”  I’m laughing while typing it and not doing it justice whatsoever.  Sorry.

My other great moment, and I know I’m only 9-months behind, was this… when Dale, upon hearing Brennen sing, says, “You have the voice of an angel. Your voice is like a combination of Fergie and Jesus.”  Again, no clip.  But if you walk by my office and you see me in their laughing, chances are I just recalled one of these scenes.

There you have it.  The very best and most awesome stuff you could’ve seen, anywhere.  Check back again next week and maybe I, Don, will have finally seen Scarface and can wow you with how impressed I was with certain scenes and dialog.

Or, at least Myndi and EJ will entertain you.  Have a great week.
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