The Most Awesome Thing

The Most Awesome Thing I Saw Last Week (Mar 4-10)


It was a week for romance, with Sawyer and Juliet finding happiness and setting the Internet a-flutter, Adama shared a tender moment with Laura, and a cobweb made of rainbows taught us how to love again.  And action?  Oh, we had action.  Sandra showed us that Noah’s not the only Bennet who’s useful in a tight situation, a parallel universe Batman with an oversized head did psychic battle with a French brain in a jar, and Sam defended himself against 40 prizefighting demons with only a cattle prod.  And then there were the unclassifiable moments.  Tracy Jordan celebrated his first birthday, Mike Rowe’s bosses tried out a couple of Dirty Jobs, Jack Bauer fought terrorists inside the White House, we learned the dangers of hair gel, Tim and Eric threw a party, and Eastbound & Down paid off on a premature ejaculation joke from three episodes earlier.  Oh, and also Dennis Rodman tried to sell team KOTU on a transvestite superhero.  That’s one of those things you can’t forget, no matter how hard you try.


With all that to choose from, what topped our Awesome Meters?  Well….


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