The Most Awesome Thing

The Most Awesome Thing I Saw Last Week (Mar 4-10)



I don’t expect everybody to watch all the same shows that I do.  I mean, how would anybody get anything done?  But there are some shows that I really think people are wrong for not watching.  Like, there are matters of taste and then there are inescapable facts.  One of those inescapable facts?  You should be watching Breaking Bad.


If you’re one of those misguided few, Breaking Bad is about Walter White, a chemistry teachers who’s diagnosed with terminal lung cancer.  To make sure his family will be taken care of after he’s gone, Walter turns to selling crystal meth.  Last season, he learned almost immediately that it wasn’t going to be as easy as he thought.  (Poor Walter didn’t realize that the people you deal with when you’re cooking meth aren’t exactly honorable.)  This season begins with Walter and former student Jesse selling their product to a dealer named Tuco, and it goes wrong almost instantly.


Seconds after the sale, Tuco beats one of his gang to death for an imagined insult.  And then, it just gets darker.  Between Bryan Cranston’s haunted performance, which is especially heartbreaking when he mentally calculates exactly how much money he’s going to need to raise before he dies, the pitch-black humor, and the almost oppressive tension, Breaking Bad can be difficult to watch, but it always delivers.  You know how AMC’s other original series is the Emmy-winning critical favorite Mad Men?  Yeah, this is just as good.


Second place goes to this video.  Imagine a world where Watchmen spawned a Saturday morning cartoon in the 80’s.  Animator Harry Partridge thinks it would have looked a little something like this:



Oh, Comedian.  Will you ever get that kiss?




Other than Anoop’s Wild Card performance (He looks like Ray Romano, but Indian, has a southern accent, and sings Bobby Brown songs…hello!) the most awesome thing I saw was a clip that will, from what I understand, be edited out of the Kanye West’s Storytellers Concert. In the clip, the following takes place:


KANYE: Michael Jackson. Amazing!

KANYE: Michael Phelps. Amazing!
KANYE: OJ Simpson. Amazing!
One audience member claps…
KANYE: Is he not?
A few “woo hoo’s”
KANYE: When he did, when he did, what he did, was he not amazing, though?

Yeah, Kanye. Amazing.  And those were the amazing and awesome things we saw that don’t quite fit into a neat little article type format.  See you next week.

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