The Most Awesome Thing

The Most Awesome Thing I Saw this Week: I Also Teach Manners! (Feb 3)

So, in the words of Joel Robinson, “What did you think, sirs?”

This bit of awesomeness made it just under the wire.  For a couple years,  I was among those who insisted Piven needed an Emmy for Entourage.  Once he got one, of course, it became an automatic, and he became a sanctimonious prick.  I’m hoping that my newest pick can avoid those pitfalls, should he ever be rewarded as he so richly deserves.  He at least seems to take himself a bit less seriously, so there’s hope.  In the meantime, there’s Barney Stinson’s video resume...which you can view in “awesome” “not as awesome” resolution.  In the same episode of How I Met Your Mother, we got bonus awesome when the device of making Lily a hot dog eating champ gave the show an excuse to show us Allyson Hannigan’s baby bump.  Good job, show!

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