The Most Awesome Thing

The Most Awesome Think I Saw Last Week: We Heart Al Roker!

John Locke: Patron Saint of AwesomeWelcome back!  What can we really say in which President Obama, via satellite, ordered that Stephen Colbert’s head be shaved to comply with military regulations?  One word springs to mind:  Awesome.  And in a strange turn this week, one The Most Awesome Things We Saw is borne out of pure hate.  Yes, it’s a funny world.
So, there’s this one couple I wish the media would just stop covering so they would go AWAY already.  She has fake boobs, a nose job and a horrible singing voice.  He’s an entitled douche with a flesh-colored beard.  I will not type their actual names, lest it trip the google alert I know they must have set up for themselves. (heck, “flesh-colored beard” probably did it anyway).  They are famous for even less than Paris Hilton, and they are deluded beyond belief.  At the risk of sounding old and crabby, I’ll say they are the epitome of what’s wrong with our society.

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