The Most Awesome Thing

The Most Awesome Think I Saw Last Week: We Heart Al Roker!

Mind you, he still managed to plug his show while playing Zack, going so far as to say he is Zack Morris, but adopted the stage name of Mark-Paul Gosselaar, since there was already a Zack Morris in SAG.  If you haven’t seen it, hit play and enjoy!

OK, it’s confession time – I am not necessarily the one-stop source of masculinity that you might take me for.  Deep down inside, in the secret places where I am soft, I really enjoy the modern fable that is Pushing Daisies. You know, a pie maker with the power to bring dead things back to life with his touch?  Brings back his childhood love, only they can never touch again, because a second touch will kill her all over again?  Full of repressed longing, brightly-colored sets, and rapid fire dialogue?  Yeah, I love that show.
This Saturday brought the final episode.  That’s right, it was buried on Sundays at 10 PM.  It’s like ABC was ashamed or something.  Since the creative team had very little warning, the episode wasn’t a proper finale.  It was, instead, a typically quirky episode about murder at the Aquacades, complete with rival teams of sycnhronized swimmers and a lonely lobster.  It was very funny and the kind of thing that gets me right in the soft spot.  And then came the final scene.
In the last minute or so of the series, Pushing Daisies gave us a (apparently hastily-assembled) scene that wrapped up the long-running plotlines and gave every single character a happy ending.  Emerson Cod found his long-lost daughter, Charlotte was reunited with her mother and aunt, Olive found love and opened a restaurant called the Intrepid Cow.  We even got one last glimpse of the sewer-dwelling Oscar Vibenius (and did they realyl get Paul Reubens to come in for a quick shot with no lines?).  As the sometimes overly-precious narrator put it:  “Events occurred that are not, were not, and should never be considered an ending.”  Brought a tear to my eye.  I’m really going to miss Ned and the gang from the Pie Hole.  And not just because saying “Pie Hole” makes me giggle.
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