Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Smackdown: Season 2, Episode 3 (Mar 23)

Previously on Celebrity Apprentice: Team KOTU imploded once again, creating a superhero named “EEE” to shill for a “Z” themed website. Of course, considering they could have gone the “horny transvestite” route, it could have been worse. On the Athena side, Annie Duke aggravated almost everybody, but they won anyway. In the end, Scott Hamilton was fired for not controlling his team, but not before Tom Green discussed his testicles with Donald Trump.
Back in the suite, Tom returns to the group and starts regaling people with his Fun Fact that “zapatos” means “shoes” in Spanish. He keeps saying it, and I still can’t tell what his deal is. This will not be any clearer by the end of the episode, by the way.
Opening Credits! Both Brian McKnight and Clint Black show their new albums in the opening, and there is no chance that I will buy either one. See, I’m not such an easy mark after all.

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