
Heroes 4-5 “Tabula Rasa”

The episode opens with portentous narration provided by Samuel. That used to be Mohinder’s thing! Man, that guy is totally off the show, isn’t he?

Hiro’s in a hospital bed, with Peter keeping an eye on him. At least we finally get medical confirmation that Hiro has a brain tumor. I feel like we were taking Ando’s word for it up to this point. I’ll admit, it’s been about a season and a half since they’ve known what to do with Hiro, but I really like him and I hope there’s a non-stupid way out of this. Anyway, Peter copies Hiro’s powers and heads out. He runs into Emma in the hall, and she asks if he sent her a cello. OK, that explains my question from the last recap. That was a surprise cello. It makes her seem less crazy that way. Peter tells Emma he has to go, but she should talk to Hiro if she has questions about powers. Because the deaf woman having a chat with the guy whose English skills barely reach the level of “conversational” seems like a great idea!

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