

Heroes 4-17 “The Wall”

Previously on Heroes: Samuel made a martyr out of Lydia the tattooed lady while pinning the blame on Bennet. Matt trapped Sylar in his own mind, though Peter objected. Tracy got two seconds of screen time. Claire and Gretchen? Still boring. Peter wanders through the empty cityscape of Sylar’s mind, […]


Heroes 4-16 “The Art of Deception”

Previously on Heroes: It was a spectacularly ill-timed earthquake episode, frankly. Sylar was pretty awesome, Claire was boring, Gretchen was even more boring, and Hiro’s mental detour was really well-done, aside from the complete mess it made of continuity. Hiro’s getting better now, Samuel’s getting more crazy, and Bennet didn’t […]


Heroes 4-15 “Pass/Fail”

Previously on Heroes: In an episode that was, blissfully, almost entirely free of Claire, Hiro and Suresh both got their wits about them, Matt’s wife yelled at him, Samuel kidnapped Vanessa, Bennet was awesome, and Emma is poised to kill thousands of people with music, like that time Dethklok hired […]


Heroes 4-14 “Close to You”

Previously on Heroes: Samuel seemed both less and more evil, at the exact same time. Bennet’s team-up with Knife Guy never got off the ground. The mysterious Vanessa reared her lovingly sketched head. Ando had his facts about Spider-Man wrong. Peter flew away. And Claire continued to complain about the […]