A Beautiful Gory Display, Kickstart Comics, Comics

A Beautiful Gory Display – Kickstart’s BLACKSMITH and ENDANGERED

Endangered – This is the second Kickstart book written by spunkybuddy Josh Williamson.  I was a big fan of Mirror, Mirror.  His new book, Endangered, is similarly great.  It’s quite a bit different from his real-life fairy tale, too.  This one is a sci-fi adventure with warring alien races and galactic heroes and monsters. 

Chris and Mikey are teenage brothers, raised by an exceedingly boring father.  He’s a safety specialist who cares very much about the importance of kneepads.  But when he doesn’t come home from a business trip, Mikey learns that his dorky father is actually an intergalactic hero.  (The more mature Chris already knows and helped keep the secret.)  With their father kidnapped by an intergalactic tyrant and the universe in danger, the boys are drafted into service.  Now, the “young man learns about the secret life of his parent(s)” was the basic set-up for Mirror, Mirror, but that’s where the resemblance between the two ends.

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