A Beautiful Gory Display, Kickstart Comics, Comics

A Beautiful Gory Display – Kickstart’s BLACKSMITH and ENDANGERED

The big moments are fantastic – there are crazy fights that look amazing.  But there are some really small details that made me love Endangered.  When dad Donner spills coffee on himself on the first page, it’s such a perfect Clark Kent homage.  It’s a neat way to clue people in that something might be different about this guy, but it’s not too obvious.  I also like the way that, at first, it doesn’t occur to Mikey to be hurt that his father kept this secret from him.  Naturally, he’s much more excited about the spaceship and the alien girl at first.  Only later does he feel left out, and that’s really nicely observed.  I really liked Mirror, Mirror, but Endangered might be even better – it’s big and crazy and fun.  It’s all-out science fiction adventure, and I loved it.

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