A Beautiful Gory Display, Comics

A Beautiful Gory Display – Kickstart’s BOOK OF LILAH and WARD 6

It’s a fun read, and surprisingly dense – you’re getting a lot of story in here.  It’s an all-around quality book!

Ward 6 – This one had actually been specifically recommended to me back when Kickstart was putting out its first solicitations.  It’s a complex, twisted mindscrew.  The story focuses on five medical ward inmates.  They have no memories of their past, and when they start to achieve awareness, they are “reset” and have to start over as blank slates. 

Here’s the first cool thing about the premise.  The inmates have knowledge, but no personal information.  They can solve complex logic problems, but have no idea who they are.  They are somehow valuable to their keepers, and they have no idea why.  And the complications keep on coming – one of them dies, and then later returns to the group in perfect health and with his memory freshly reset.

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