A Beautiful Gory Display, Kickstart Comics, Comics

A Beautiful Gory Display – New Releases from Kickstart Comics

I don’t think I’ve seen the work of artist Kevin Mellon before, but he’s perfect for this book.  This is a story with a lot of characters, most of whom are guys in suits.  He still manages to distinguish them, and it’s always clear.  Deadline would be a mess if we lost track of the characters, but that’s not a problem here.  Co-writer Moore has done some work that I’ve really liked in the past.  I’m a big fan of Hawaiian Dick, and he wrote a Superman arc that I loved, but I think Deadline is my favorite thing I’ve read from him.  It’s a genre that we don’t see often in comics, and when we do, it usually falls flat.  But Deadline is tense, exciting, and clever – it’s good stuff!

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